Monday, November 22, 2010

Being Thankful...

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. -- Albert Schweitzer

I believe that - that it is through the love and light of others I have learned to be thankful, to appreciate what I have, to want to share it with others.  It is the time of year to light sparks in others through acts of kindness.  I am hoping to do my part.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Closing doors....

It has been a difficult past week. 

An exhausting time to say the least.

No time for blogging.  No time for anything really.

I am going to have to kick up my entertainment factor.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Couch potato no more....

I am starting the Couch to 5K plan tonight.  I do not look forward to it, but it must be done.  I don't particularly like exercise.  I don't mind sweating.  I don't mind moving, but I am so tired anymore.  I just don't feel like doing anything at the end of the day.

Logically, I know that this will change.  I will start having more energy, I will feel better physically.  And maybe my pants will loosen up. 

In other news, I got a birthday card from my father.  I don't know how I feel about this.  He could have saved the stamp and just sent me an emailed "Happy Birthday".  I would have been fine with that.

My father had inserted a note into the card that read "Gwen (the evil stepmother) and I will be at your house at 2:30pm on November 20 to celebrate Christmas."  This rubbed me the wrong way.  Not that I will do anything about it.  I will clean my house, cook some food, and pray that I am in some way more acceptable to my father and his wife than I normally am.  Then they will leave, I will cry and eat an entire carton of toasted almond fudge ice cream.  Fun, fun...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Push it real good!

I have a confession.  I am a pushy broad.  I don't mind being a pushy broad.  It can be quite useful at times.

I come from a long line of pushy broads - my mother, my grandmother were all pushy broads.  I got it honestly.

Pushy broads don't just push others around.  They push envelopes, they push stereotypes, they push buttons.  They got women the vote, they helped abolish slavery, they fight for child's rights. 

What makes a woman a pushy broad?  Is it her intellect, her refusal to back down, her steadfastness to her beliefs?  I suppose at one point that was something to be feared - a smart woman with a backbone.

Carrie Chapman Catt was a pushy broad back when pushy broads for jailed for not keeping their opinions to themselves.  It was her work in suffrage that helped get me the right to vote.  Thanks, Carrie.

Gloria Steinem is sometimes considered the pushiest of the pushy broads.  She has mellowed as she has aged, but I still remember seeing her speak on television back in the 70s.  She was powerful then, and she is powerful now.

Hillary Clinton is the country's most despised pushy broad, though I have a love for old Hill.  She stood by Bill when lesser women would have castrated him and put the video on youtube.  She says what she thinks, and whether you agree with it or not, you have to respect a woman with that size of brass balls.

So I will keep pushing.  I will be that pushy broad.  I will do my best to make the pushy broads that came before me proud.

Friday, September 10, 2010

A Beginning

I was told to blog.  So here I am....blogging. 

I have never blogged before.  I read numerous blogs - foodie blogs, natural blogs, funny blogs, political blogs, parenting blogs, money-saving blogs.  But where do I fit in?

I don't cook enough to have a foodie blog.  Who wants to read a blog about me making boxed macaroni and cheese?

I am funny.  But there is no way that I could create a blog that is consistently funny.  That is expecting a lot for anyone, and I am no Jerry Seinfeld.

I am politically leaning, but couldn't care less about who is running in some backwoods Senate battle in Arkansas.

I waiver on being a good parent.  Ask my children - they can start their own blog entitled "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly."

I can't blog about saving money, because I don't have any.

So I will just blog about me.  What I am feeling, what I am thinking, who I am, what I am doing. 

And maybe someone will be lucky enough to wander by this blog and be entertained.